Latest raspberry pi 2 Video : Raspberry Pi music: Yerzmyey – “Alien encounter”
“Alien encounter” (C) 2015 by YERZMYEY.
Music entirely made with Raspberry Pi 2, a British microcomputer, where the “micro” word is very well-used, as we’re talkin’ here about a tiny black box.
The song has been recorded directly from the machine.
26 channels have been used.
The R_Pi2’s sound is being generated by the Broadcom BCM2836 chip, so it’s resolved somewhat like in ZX Spectrum 48K, hehehe: the sound is being generated by the CPU.
It plays music with 11 bit quality. It’s not an actual DAC, it is a digital PWM module (gives a ‘pulse width modulated’ signal) working with frequency around 40MHz and it is low-pass-filtered.
Like I used to say, the original Pi sound is warm’n’soft; doesn’t remind thousands of razors on PC.
Some people say R_Pi isn’t good for music.
They are WRONG.
More music made with strange machines:
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